Saturday, November 20

Harry Potter. :|

fuuu~ Harry Potter was released last thursday midnight and I'm not yet watching it!! Really. Thanks to my PATIENCE I can bear it. :| grr. I hate waiting. :| hmm. anyway, I'll just watch Vampire Diaries Season 1 and do my homeworks also. Damn. Speaking of school... My grade in ICT02 is in critical state. What should I do? I do really suck in algorithm. That's the reason why my grade in our computer subject decreased and due to my lack of participation (that's because I got irritated with my teacher). Ugh. Still. Why algorithm?! Why can't we just go to C++ already? Anyway, I would prefer HTML than C++ or CSS. I like HTML very much, to the extent that I do review my notes about it. AAAANYWAY, Crap ICT02. Logic and Design at least I can bear but ALGORITHM and FLOWCHART? oh come on! Ugh. Hate it. Anyway, that's all. ^^

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