Monday, September 5


When he was younger, Kujou Kiyosumi was incredibly awkward and nerdy. One day in elementary school, he courageously confessed his love to a girl, but she told him in front of the whole classroom that he was "disgusting" to be around. Shocked, Kiyosumi asked the coolest guy in the class, Sagiya Maki, to help him become more likable, too. Thus, began the days of training and now in high school, he had finally achieved most popular status alongside Maki. Everything seemed to be going along smoothly until...
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That girl who rejected Kujo-kun. That Yuu-chan. I don't like her attitude. She looks down on people but she's also right about them being stupid. So. Anyway, I still didn't like her for taking advantage of him like that. I know she was teased back then at least she got friends not unlike Kujo, everyone doesn't want to be friends with him. And that incident shatters Kujo's confidence. They both suffer from that but even so it's still wrong that she's using blackmail to be his girlfriend because she like him. It's not fair for him to be used like that. Eh anu nman if she likes Kujo? She would do anything to get him because she loves him? I mean that's not right, right? That's absurd. She know Kujo is really kind that's why she don't have to blackmail him. If that's her revenge then that's okay? I think not but it's a childish thing to do. What is she a Tsundere? Hmph.

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