Sunday, January 2

Only Good Spy Young

When Cammie Morgan enrolled at the Gallagher Academy, she knew she was preparing for the dangerous life of a spy. What she didn’t know was that the serious, real-life danger would start during her junior year of high school. But that’s exactly what happened two months ago when Cammie faced off against an ancient terrorist organization dead set on kidnapping her.

Now the danger follows her everywhere, and even Cammie “The Chameleon” can’t hide. When a terrifying encounter in London reveals that one of her most-trusted allies is actually a rogue double-agent, Cammie no longer knows if she can trust her classmates, her teachers—or even her own heart.



Have you ever thought that being a spy is cool? Though it's dangerous for the most part. The book is really cool and it was awesome! Anyway, this is what I can say/comment about the book:

OMG! I can't believe it all happened! First of all Mr. Solomon was being chased by CIA and MI6-Oh! And the Circle also. Then Zach and Cam are going to find Mr. Solomon and there goes Agent Townsend. He was the "bloody" good spy as he said but then who are those people to trust? I never been so doubtful when I finished reading the book. Even I, also can't differentiate those good and bad people in the story. Aaaand another OMG! Zach's mother. The one who captured Mr. S and tried to kidnap Cam in the rooftop. Crap that! I never knew the story would turn out like that. I also thought Agent Townsend is the bad guy cause he's too secretive though he should be--or more like we/people should be. But in my case... I can't lie perfectly. I always mess up--or should I say I can't lie when I try to lie. Like the one happened months ago. I lied about my gender and name. I told the person that my name is niehsan and I'm a guy which totally rock at first though the person caught me and all I could do is blurt the truth. I also stick to the truth. Saying what I had in mind and never ever think before speaking. Anyway, I always lie the obivous ones. Anyway, getting back to the story... I didn't like it when she would run away but I guess it's really a good choice from all the choice she had cause if you really love the person you can't be a burden to them. So that's why running away from the academy is really a good choice. I heard a story like that though can't place where... Uhm. Anyway, I just hope Zach's with her cause I'm more relieve if Zach's with her. Anyway, I hope Mr. Solomon will get better. Haha. I'll wait for the next book to come. :)) that's all for today! :)

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